Vitamin D is the only vitamin that can be made in our skin with the help of sunshine, more specifically, the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. During the summer months, we get most of this vitamin through sunshine-skin collaboration. But from October through to early March, UK sunshine isn’t UVB – rich enough, so our skin isn’t producing any significant amounts..

Why is getting enough important? Vitamin D helps calcium being absorbed in the gut and supports bone health. Without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become thin and brittle and in older adults can lead to osteoporosis. Other perhaps less well known benefits of vitamin D include reduction of inflammation, neuromuscular and immune function, glucose metabolism and mental wellbeing.

A report carried out by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN), suggests that everyone over the age of 1 needs to consume 10 micrograms (400IU) of vitamin D each day… This advice also applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Adults should not take more than 100µg (4000IU) a day, unless recommended by a doctor or a Dietitian, because too much vitamin D can be harmful.

NOTE: it’s a fat soluble vitamin, so best if you take your supplement with a meal.