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My Method

Through working closely with hundreds of clients, I've come to realise that having knowledge alone isn't sufficient for achieving lasting health improvements. While understanding what's right for us is important, our emotions and thoughts often drive our food and lifestyle decisions. When we encounter challenges, we may find ourselves resorting to automatic coping mechanisms, such as turning to food or overly controlling food, which can steer us away from who we want to be. By bringing awareness to our automatic negative patterns, we can navigate tough moments more effectively and make choices that truly align with what's important to us and our well-being aspirations.


Your Body

Employing evidence from scientific research in nutrition and lifestyle patterns, encompassing physical activity, sleep, stress, and environmental toxins, my aim is to assist you in achieving your meaningful goals. By assessing your baseline health parameters, I offer science-based recommendations to facilitate positive changes. Are you encountering challenges in any of the following areas?

Are you regularly battling overwhelming cravings for highly palatable foods high in sugar or fat, either giving in or expending significant mental energy to resist?

Have you previously lost weight only to regain it, and your attempts to lose weight now seem ineffective? Are you seeking a different approach to understand your body and improve your well-being?

Do you often feel fatigued, especially in the afternoon and evening, relying on caffeine or other methods to stay energised?

Are you experiencing fatigue, mood swings, and bloating in the week leading up to your period, affecting your habits and relationships?

Are you struggling with bloating and uncomfortable bowel habits, such as constipation or loose stools?

Are your menstrual cycles irregular (less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart), absent for an extended period, or suspected to be anovulatory?

Have you been diagnosed with PCOS and are dealing with symptoms like weight gain, skin issues, excess hair, irregular periods, low mood, low body confidence, and poor sleep?

Do you experience heavy bleeding (changing sanitary products every 2 hours or less) or intense menstrual pain requiring regular use of painkillers?

Are you facing challenges such as a lost period, irregular cycles, PCOS, disordered eating, or unbalanced eating habits, raising concerns about your ability to conceive?

*Seeing a doctor whenever you have new troublesome symptoms should be your first step.


Your Mind

I compliment my clinical nutrition expertise with behaviour change psychology. Picture yourself connecting deeply with what truly matters to you, making decisions guided by your passions rather than obligations. Imagine freeing yourself from negative food and body thoughts, redirecting your focus towards enriching relationships and rediscovering old passions or acquiring new skills. Empowering yourself to steer your health and life path has never felt more fulfilling.

Are you contending with any of the following challenges?

Struggling to maintain a consistent and balanced diet, finding yourself snacking on random foods that leave you feeling disoriented and unhealthy?

Engaging in cycles of restricting certain foods or amounts, but succumbing to 'mistakes' that trigger guilt and shame, leading to unbalanced eating or overeating.

Experiencing episodes of consuming a large amount of food in a short time, often in secret due to intense feelings of shame and a sense of being out of control during these episodes.

Rigidly adhering to a predetermined calorie plan either consistently or during periods of restriction or dieting.

Feeling nervous about the unknown aspects of food preparation, such as fat, sugar, or calorie content, when dining out or visiting others.

Establishing strict rules around daily food intake to feel okay and safe, with potential compensatory behaviours like restricting or excessive exercise after ‘overeating’.

Struggling to trust yourself around tempting foods, making it challenging to have them in the house or navigate buffet-style events.

Either feeling guilty for not exercising regularly, organising everything around your exercise or avoiding exercise altogether, not considering it a natural part of your life.

Experiencing a significant impact on self-esteem based on adherence to specific food rules, feeling accomplished when followed and unworthy or not good enough when deviated.

Feeling discomfort with your body size or shape, impacting intimate relationships, social interactions, or professional engagement.

*If your Body Mass Index is lower than 18.5kg/m2, you are losing weight rapidly or use purging to get rid of food, you need to see your doctor so that you can be referred to a multidisciplinary eating disorder service and monitored for acute health risks.

Positive changes in your nutrition and lifestyle, aligned with your values, are within reach and you deserve to get there!

Contact me to begin your journey