Education Hub
The Link Between Women’s Hormones & IBS
Sex hormones like oestrogen and progesterone affect gut movement. They can slow down bowel movement, making it sluggish. Oestrogen rises before ovulation and drops afterward, while both oestrogen and progesterone rise during the luteal phase and drop before your period. If you have IBS, the second part of your cycle may be more comfortable for diarrhea, but constipation may be worse. These hormones also impact pain sensitivity. Low levels or rapid decreases can make the gut more sensitive to pain. Understanding this can help manage symptoms through dietary changes, breath-work, sleep, and gentle movement during the trickier parts of your menstrual cycle.
Probiotics, fermented foods and your gut
The secrets to probiotics and your health in 5 minutes When most people think about...
Do you suspect a food intolerance?
The role of the dietitian and suspected food intolerances.